水之源企業股份有限公司的技術乃來自工研院的優質技術,本公司關鍵技術具有節省空間、低操作成本的優點,包括高效率廢水生物處理技術:上流式厭氧污泥床(UASB)、生物網膜(BioNET)及低污泥廢水處理:厭氧流體化床(AFB)、流體化床結晶(FBC)等。本公司具有服務食品、石化、化工、紡織、造紙、光電、半導體各產業的豐富經驗以解決各種廢水處理的問題,期望成為高效率與高性價比廢水處理技術的領導先驅。WaterPark Environment Corporation was established in 2013 by a team from ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) in Taiwan. We focuse on high quality and high efficency wastewater treatment technologies with low footprints and low operation costs including UASB, AFB, BioNET and FBC, etc. We provide solutions in various industries such as semiconductor, optoelectronics, foods, petrochemicals, chemicals, dying and paper for all kinds of wastewater treatment problems.