DRD-037-PC Double-Side Bar-Type Panel PC
DRD-037PC是一台專為智慧型交通運輸市場應用所設計的超寬型21:6雙螢幕電腦,其特色為具有整機IP65防塵和防水保護機制,僅需一片電腦控制主板即可驅動雙面顯示螢幕,並符合EN50155軌道交通法規與EN45545-2軌道交通之防火產品驗證,並配備軌道交通運輸專用的M12型連結器,提高其運用於交通運輸場合的穩定度。此外,產品本身具有雙Giga 頻寬之乙太網路連結埠,可安裝於軌道列車車廂中、行車月台上、運輸車輛之車頂,適合整合應用於現正火熱的智慧型交通運輸市場。
DRD-037-PC Double-Side Bar-Type Panel PC
The DRD-037PC is an ultra-wide 21:6 dual-screen computer designed for smart transportation market applications. It features IP65 dust and water protection and a single motherboard to drive screen display on two sides. With the transportation environment in mind, this product was made to comply with EN50155 rolling stock equipment and EN45545-2 fire protection standards for railway applications.